Welcome to the Badminton for All platform!
You are about to register your entity on the B4ALL platform. To do this you will have to enter some information about the entity and its legal representative, in addition to appointing and registering the B4ALL Activities Coordinator.
Entities that can participate
- Badminton Clubs
- School Centres
- Associations in the field of disability
- Badminton Federations
B4ALL Activities Coordinator
This is the person designated by each entity to manage the entity’s participation in the B4ALL platform.
Functions of the Activities Coordinator
Online training
- Registering on the platform all the participants of the entity that will carry out the online training: Managers, Volunteers, Umpires and Technical professionals (Coaches/P.E. teachers)
- When registering, the coordinator can select one of these profiles for himself/herself and then carry out the corresponding training
Inclusive Badminton Sports Activities
- Provide all participants in each activity with the B4ALL satisfaction questionnaire
- Collect the completed questionnaires and group the data in the corresponding activity report
- Upload to the platform the participation and satisfaction data of each sport activity contained in the activity report
User panel
Once the registration of the entity is completed, the coordinator of activities will have a unique profile (user and password) to access the user panel of the platform. In the user panel they will find all the information and functionalities necessary to carry out their functions.
Online Training
The training is aimed at four different profiles: Managers, Volunteers, Umpires and Technical professionals (Coaches/P.E. teachers). They will be registered on the platform by the Activities Coordinator.
Once registered, all participants must complete the three modules included in their training itineraries: Common, Specific and Practical. In addition, they must complete the training satisfaction questionnaire after completing each module.
At the end of the training process, and after passing the evaluation process, participants will receive a certification of the learning acquired.
Entity registration
In the following link you can access the registration form of your entity: